The strategy is to initiate the Study “From bullet to fiddle”:
Prerequisites to realize the Study are consent and support from key people in the City Council, the school direction of the community, the direction of the local community music school, teachers, parents and national school authorities.
Professional and dedicated music teachers are essential to realize the Study. Music teachers are often active musicians outside of their pedagogical work. Music teachers in our pilot communities shall receive family friendly working conditions, economical security and opportunities to combine pedagogical work with professional performance in inspiring circumstances.
Every child needs to be provided with an instrument for free.
The study needs a time frame of 15-20 years following a full generation where children, their developments and the effects upon Society can be observed during a period stretching from the first year in pre-school to the last year in high school.
The Study intends to observe what can happen if all children receive music education throughout all school years. The only way of achieving that is to make a daily music program mandatory for all children!
Mandatory music education:
Involving all children in music making every day is impossible on an individual basis. A daily music program has to be centered upon making music in ensemble forms - choirs, different kinds of instrumental ensembles, bands and orchestras.
Every country, every religion, every culture has their own musical traditions that are unique for respective groups. Allowing classical music to be the foundation for a music program and adding music of many styles offers children keys to all worlds of music.
A divers music program brings unequalled possibilities to build bridges between people from every corner of the Globe.
When building techniques to master classical music instruments and singing we build foundations, conditions and abilities to perform all kinds of music with greater quality and distinction.
Playing or singing in an orchestra, a choir, a band, an ensemble allows the child to be an important part of a greater context: His/her part is important for the final result!
Involving concert institutions, opera institutions, other cultural institutions and festivals of all kinds are avenues to present the Study to the cultural world. The cultural life of tomorrow is totally dependent on how we build a core of both performers, audiences and financial contributors – today!
It is essential that every cultural institution and festival organization realize the importance of being part of building a cultural future by investing energies and time in supporting the cultural and emotional growth of young people.
The described Study needs highly qualified Scientists from a number of fields. The ambition of this Study is high. Credibility is a prerequisite for making every step in the building of organization possible. The study will need to build a communication center reporting and informing about what happens during the entire project.